Sunday, January 24, 2016

"Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself..."

Well hello lovelies,
My name is Sierra and this is the beginning to a project that I've wanted to do for a while. This blog will be a little inside to what goes on in my head, and let me tell you that's a vast amount of topics. This year I made the conscience decision that I was going to focus on myself. I decided that I am going to #TreatMyself #LoveMyself and #RespectMyself. I decided to fall in love with myself and be a little selfish. This blog will be a place where I can place my thoughts and hopefully connect with others who share the same or are interested in some of the same topics. It will be a place for positivity, and fun. I hope you enjoy this blog and please feel free to comment and connect with me!!

But let me tell you a little about myself, here's some fun facts
-As I said my names Sierra, I am an 18 year old female from Winnipeg MB. (That's in Canada). 
-I currently work at Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics (Which I am totally in love with).
-I am in my first year of University, studying social sciences as I hope to one day work in a museum
-I am 100% an extrovert who loves talking to people, tbh I love attention and I am not afraid to admit it
-My family and friends are extremely important to me
-I am interested in politics, music, movies, HISTORY, hockey
-I was in cadets for 5 years 
-I love getting my nails done and I am slightly obsessed with my eyebrows
-I am really starting to get into makeup and my older sister gives me great advice with it as she has her makeup degree
-I also am trying to use completely cruelty-free cosmetics
-I also love making new friends
-The biggest thing I wish to do at all times is travel
-I am an advocate for equality and mental health
-I also am slightly obsessed with buzzfeed
Well I hope this caught your interest and you'll be interested in continuing to visit,

Sincerely your friend, Sierra :)